
We renovate everything from kitchens and bathrooms to complete renovations, inside and out, as well as constructing new terraces and buildings. We always use the best quality materials , regardless as to whether they are visible to the eye or hidden under the tiled floors.

For all work involving changes to the outside or the inside we ensure that we have obtained the required paperwork from the correct authorities.

We also carry out work to repair moisture damage to properties and get to the bottom of why the problems occurred instead of cover-up solutions that hide problems temporarily.



Our terraces are constructed with 8mm fiber-reinforced concrete using the the sandwich method to prevent cracking.
On larger surfaces we cast beams into the ground and make distribution joints to prevent subsidence.

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Perhaps you have an older house with chipped facades that need to be painted? Why paint year after year?
Plaster the facades instead!
We can put a maintenance free facade, for example:

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We work with a Scandinavian mentality remembering to use the height below the floor so there is room to install a drain in the floor.
We lay tiles with theappropriate fall towards the drain and installing a shower room directly on the floor.

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We install quality kitchens from German Kutchentime, making it easy for both of us to plan your kitchen.

 However, we do not install laminate countertops as they swell with humidity, but we provide our kitchens with Spanish top-quality granite countertops with under-sealed sinks if desired.

We can offer built-in or stainless steel appliances. Tiles, flooring and lighting according to specifications.

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tn WhatsApp Bild 2024-07-31 kl. 10.21.01 e2e6fe16
tn WhatsApp Bild 2024-07-31 kl. 10.21.01 9cba1e41
tn IMG 6956
tn IMG 6958
tn IMG 6959
tn IMG 7261
tn 00112
tn 00115
tn 2014-04-29 09.29.49
tn 2014-04-29 09.30.01
tn 2014-10-10 10.55.12
tn 2014-10-10 10.55.24
tn 2014-10-21 00.18.25
tn 2014-10-21 04.00.54
tn 2015-06-18 10.57.09
tn 2014-10-21 04.01.11
tn 2015-06-18 10.59.10
tn 2015-06-18 10.59.48
tn DSC00149
tn DSC00152
tn dcim 5259652
tn IMG 0077
tn DSCF2208
tn IMG 0526
tn IMG 1336
tn IMG 1393
tn IMG 2314
tn IMG 2877
tn IMG 3365
tn IMG 3953
tn IMG 4960
tn IMG 4962
tn P3280004
tn P3280022
tn P8230009
tn P8250028
tn P8250031
tn P8270010
tn PC040001
tn PC290352
tn SAM 0177
tn SAM 0187
tn SAM 0261
tn SAM 0407
tn SAM 0631
tn SAM 0724
tn SAM 0728

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Other Works

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-23 at 10.01.39
tn ANPE4106
tn 2018-10-05 15.20.20
tn 2018-10-05 15.20.30-1
tn 2014-04-04 01.07.09
tn 2014-04-04 01.07.21
tn 2014-04-04 01.07.31
tn 2016-05-31 14.28.21
tn 2016-05-31 14.29.05
tn 2016-05-31 14.29.24
tn 2016-05-31 14.29.29
tn 2016-09-19 12.31.54
tn 2016-10-17 17.28.52-3
tn 2016-09-19 12.33.04
tn 2016-10-18 12.13.16
tn 2016-10-21 11.28.10
tn 2016-11-10 16.51.20
tn IMG 2164
tn 2016-10-28 13.18.04
tn 2013-03-13 23.32.23
tn 2013-11-07 00.35.58
tn 2013-10-23 13.31.32
tn 2013-05-17 06.10.39
tn 2014-03-18 19.06.57
tn 2014-05-21 05.19.39
tn 2014-08-11 01.56.48
tn 2014-09-26 00.22.57
tn 2014-09-26 00.23.10
tn 2014-10-02 17.17.35
tn 2014-10-02 17.17.54
tn 2014-10-19 22.46.33
tn 2014-11-25 05.46.39
tn 2014-11-25 05.47.09
tn 2014-12-10 06.43.28
tn 2014-11-25 05.47.38
tn 2015-02-05 18.52.24
tn 2015-02-05 18.52.45
tn 2015-02-05 18.52.53
tn 2015-02-27 10.32.51
tn 2015-02-27 10.33.00
tn 2015-03-31 16.44.43
tn 2015-03-31 16.46.05
tn 2015-05-07 16.00.35
tn 2015-05-07 15.59.45
tn 2016-02-15 12.01.02
tn 2015-06-09 16.21.05
tn 2016-02-12 13.11.45
tn 2016-02-18 12.37.05
tn 2016-02-18 13.37.47
tn 2016-02-18 13.39.23
tn 2016-02-18 13.38.23
tn 2016-02-18 13.39.30
tn 2016-02-19 16.32.08
tn banos 71 010
tn 2016-02-19 16.34.32
tn 20130813 204647
tn DSC01286
tn dcim 14566
tn DSC01773
tn DSC01776
tn DSC01910
tn DSC02402
tn DSC02408
tn DSC02808 - copia
tn DSC03028
tn DSC03137 - copia
tn DSC03149 - copia
tn DSC03266 - copia
tn DSC03371
tn IMG 0011
tn DSC03829
tn IMG 0013
tn IMG 0048
tn IMG 0157
tn IMG 0539
tn IMG 2452
tn IMG 2514
tn IMG 2802
tn IMG 2804
tn IMG 3716
tn IMG 4389
tn IMG 4476
tn IMG 4705
tn P1100007
tn P2220027
tn P2160009
tn P8010005
tn P4130032
tn P9030004
tn P8230002
tn P8230001
tn PA200001
tn PC140009
tn SAM 0339
tn SAM 0403
tn SAM 0521
tn SAM 0520
tn SAM 0793

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Bojan og Peter
2019-10-26 11.13.55
2019-10-27 10.19.33
2019-10-28 07.52.08
IMG 5953
tn Foto 1
tn 2019-12-16 16.52.37
tn CQQX3565
tn IMG 3205
tn IMG 0494
tn IMG 1236
tn KLHQ7524
tn P1030567
IMG 5794 resize
IMG 5595 resize
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personnel 25
personnel 26
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personnel 32

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Rough Construction

Arbete Jacuzzi
Ned Lyftning Jacuzzi
Terrass Jacuzzi
2020-07-03 10.44.32-5
2020-07-03 10.44.32-6
2020-07-03 10.44.32-7
2020-07-03 10.44.32-8
2020-02-28 11.26.29-2
2020-02-28 12.11.58-1
2020-03-03 12.35.25-2
tn 2019-11-08 17.17.16
tn IMG 2840
tn CUSG5896
tn PTRG3934
tn PUBN5345
tn PYXF7345
tn 2016-12-01 10.56.09
tn 2017-04-26 11.19.02-2
tn 2016-12-14 13.18.12
tn 2017-05-16 11.16.35
tn 2017-06-14 11.35.15
tn 2017-07-03 17.50.11
tn 2017-07-07 17.25.27
tn 2017-07-12 18.17.28
tn OFKX5246
tn RGNV8345
tn AOXP7099
tn BGFD9437
tn FIWF1767
tn IBGL1861
tn KZAK1791
tn XBEA9631
tn 2016-07-26 16.13.03
tn 2016-07-26 16.13.07
tn 2016-07-26 16.13.03-2
tn 2016-07-26 16.13.19
tn 2016-07-26 16.13.10
tn 2016-07-26 17.26.21
tn 2016-09-29 09.43.02
tn 2013-05-03 01.33.01
tn 2013-04-05 05.54.57
tn 2013-05-14 04.28.37
tn 2013-05-03 03.57.32
tn 2013-05-22 23.35.31
tn 2013-05-22 23.51.46
tn 2014-01-08 02.53.50
tn 2014-01-15 16.51.37
tn 2014-01-30 11.49.19
tn 2014-01-15 16.51.43
tn 2014-01-30 13.18.02
tn 2014-02-03 05.10.59
tn 2014-01-30 13.17.41
tn 2014-02-04 02.33.42
tn 2014-02-04 17.14.17
tn 2014-07-25 00.57.16
tn 2014-07-25 00.57.29
tn 2014-11-17 06.13.00
tn 2014-11-17 05.33.49
tn 2014-11-17 06.12.39
tn 2014-11-19 13.00.02
tn 2014-11-19 13.00.15
tn 2014-12-03 00.31.59
tn 2014-12-03 01.07.05
tn 2014-12-03 01.07.38
tn 2014-12-03 01.08.20
tn 2014-12-03 01.12.02
tn 2014-12-03 01.12.09
tn 2015-02-05 18.52.45
tn 2015-04-14 11.25.32
tn 2015-06-18 12.01.11
tn 2015-04-14 11.26.28
tn 2015-10-15 10.02.05
tn 2015-10-15 10.02.12
tn 2015-10-15 10.02.34
tn 2015-10-15 10.08.01
tn 2015-12-21 16.31.50
tn 2016-02-03 12.12.32
tn 20130807 164530
tn DSC00238
tn calle  Gandi 013
tn calle Gandi 001
tn DSC01486
tn DSC00239
tn DSC01586
tn DSC01611
tn DSC01733
tn DSC01715
tn DSC01819
tn DSC01769
tn DSC01832
tn DSC01854
tn DSC01891
tn DSC01902
tn DSC01901
tn DSC01969
tn DSC02818
tn DSC03398
tn DSC04023
tn DSCF3280
tn el mirador 010
tn DSCN0286
tn DSCN0307
tn el mirador 016
tn Imagen telefono 049
tn IMG 0241
tn IMG 0280
tn IMG 0596
tn IMG 1404
tn IMG 1729
tn IMG 1467
tn IMG 2363
tn IMG 2436
tn IMG 2452
tn IMG 2873
tn IMG 2486
tn IMG 3036
tn IMG 3018
tn IMG 3100
tn IMG 3177
tn IMG 3195
tn IMG 3387
tn IMG 3451
tn IMG 3555
tn IMG 3560
tn IMG 3613
tn IMG 3734
tn IMG 3721
tn IMG 3753
tn IMG 3751
tn IMG 4006
tn IMG 3833
tn IMG 3775
tn IMG 4015
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tn IMG 4079
tn IMG 4074
tn IMG 4084
tn IMG 4088
tn IMG 4123
tn IMG 4089
tn IMG 4329
tn IMG 4376
tn IMG 4324
tn IMG 4471
tn IMG 4620
tn IMG 4641
tn IMG 4691
tn IMG 4694
tn P1050242
tn P1050248
tn P1050265
tn P5240014
tn P2020001
tn P5240019
tn P5240016
tn P6040004
tn P6050005
tn P6050008
tn P6060002
tn P6250012
tn P6060005
tn P7250010
tn P8250007
tn P9180009
tn P9210009
tn P9250009
tn PA070005
tn PA270210
tn SAM 0219
tn SAM 0184
tn SAM 0298
tn SAM 0347
tn SAM 0432
tn SAM 0433
tn SAM 0606
tn SAM 0476
tn SAM 0780
tn terraza bluelagoon 005


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Sun Shades

SoltakBravomar7 1
SoltakBravomar7 2
Foto 3
Soltak med vggar
Lamellgardinner Altos bahia
Soltak mil palmeras
Soltak terrass mil palmeras
Foto Soltak 1
Foto Soltak 2
Foto Soltak 3
Markis Anki Grling
Soltak Arne Jrgensen 2
Soltak Arne Jrgensen 3
Soltak Arne Jrgensen 4
Soltak Arne Jrgensen
tn FZUI8814
tn GDSJ6742
tn RNXN2417
tn LNBL7399
tn 2014-06-11 05.44.12
IMG 4201
IMG 4200
tn 2016-05-29 10.38.17
tn 2016-05-29 10.39.02
tn 2016-05-29 10.39.38
tn 2016-06-08 17.12.06
tn 2016-06-08 17.12.00
tn 2016-09-15 10.24.41
tn 2016-09-15 10.24.40
tn 2016-09-15 10.24.42
tn 2016-09-15 10.24.41-2
tn 2016-09-19 17.01.24-2
tn 2016-09-19 17.01.23
tn 2016-10-26 16.05.01
tn 2016-10-27 16.13.00
tn 2016-10-26 16.05.01-2
tn 2016-11-11 13.32.16
tn 2016-11-11 13.34.23
tn IMG 5633
tn IMG 5632
tn IMG 5747
tn IMG 5750
tn IMG 6137
tn IMG 6138
tn IMG 6140
tn IMG 6139
tn IMG 6141
tn 2013-04-22 00.09.56
tn 2013-04-22 00.10.41
tn 2013-05-14 06.31.36
tn 2014-05-31 19.58.21
tn 2014-05-31 19.59.20
tn 2014-05-31 20.00.20
tn 2014-12-07 01.11.03
tn 2014-12-07 01.11.55
tn 2014-12-07 01.12.51
tn 2015-07-30 10.54.06
tn IMG 0570
tn 2015-07-30 10.54.15
tn IMG 0572
tn IMG 0571
tn IMG 1078
tn P7300001
tn P7300002
tn P7300003
tn 2013-03-14 22.31.50
tn 2013-03-14 22.32.06
tn 2013-03-14 22.33.17
tn 2013-05-10-408
tn 2013-05-10-411
tn 2014-04-30 06.04.37
tn 2014-04-30 05.57.03
tn 2014-06-09 00.21.50
tn 2014-11-10 06.32.46
tn 2014-11-10 06.32.09
tn 2014-11-18 06.40.24
tn 2014-11-18 06.41.03
tn 2014-12-16 22.21.58
tn 2014-12-16 22.22.45
tn 2014-12-16 22.25.32
tn 2014-12-16 22.25.44
tn 2014-12-16 22.32.13
tn 2014-12-16 22.31.22
tn 2015-02-28 02.37.23
tn 2015-02-28 02.37.15
tn afrodita 3
tn 2015-03-05 09.09.26
tn baos de europa 3
tn baos de europa 4
tn DSC 1067
tn DSC 1068
tn DSC 1071
tn DSC 1070
tn IMG 0244
tn IMG 0245
tn IMG 0246
tn IMG 0361
tn IMG 0363
tn IMG 1002
tn IMG 0364
tn IMG 1004
tn IMG 2762
tn IMG 2760
tn IMG 2766
tn IMG 2767
tn IMG 2994
tn IMG 2794
tn IMG 2996
tn IMG 2995
tn IMG 3928
tn IMG 3927
tn IMG 2997
tn IMG 4017
tn IMG 4019
tn IMG 4105
tn IMG 4106
tn IMG 4107
tn IMG 4200
tn IMG 4201
tn IMG 4450
tn IMG 4463
tn IMG 4534
tn IMG 4464
tn IMG 5183
tn IMG 5186
tn IMG 7497
tn IMG 7499
tn IMG 7507
tn IMG 27681
tn IMG-20150730-WA0004
tn IMG-20150730-WA0001
tn LINNEA SOL 2 52
tn Miraflores IV74 1
tn P2290003
tn P2290002
tn Miraflores IV74 2
tn P3010014
tn P4230025
tn P4230026
tn P4230028
tn P4230029
tn P4230030
tn P6130007
tn P6130008
tn P6130009
tn P7190001
tn P7190002
tn P8220002
tn P8220003
tn P8220006
tn P8220004
tn SAM 0135
tn SAM 0137
tn SAM 0139
tn SAM 0140
tn SAM 0832
tn SAM 0827
tn SAM 0833
tn SAM 0835
tn SAM 0834 2
IMG 4231
tn 2015-07-29 07.52.00
IMG 4239
tn 2015-07-29 08.25.36
tn 2015-07-29 08.28.43
tn 976068 10151705206839258 2113089861 o1
tn IMG 0247
tn IMG 3925
tn IMG 4132
tn IMG 4173
tn IMG 4184
tn IMG 4476
tn IMG 4185
tn IMG 4477
tn IMG 4484
tn IMG 44841
tn IMG 4643
tn LINNEA SOL 2 52 4
tn P5030011
tn P5090011
tn P6210010
tn P6210009
tn P6210006
tn P8170009
tn P8170006
tn P8170010
tn sam 8745369 1 thumb
roof shades 07
roof shades 11
roof shades 10
roof shades 09
roof shades 08
roof shades 12
roof shades 01
roof shades 02
roof shades 03
roof shades 04
roof shades 05
roof shades 06
roof shade
roof shades

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